Tag Archives: 2020 horror

REVIEW: THE RENTAL delivers quality tension and genuine scares.

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First-time director Dave Franco delivers a deftly made thriller based on both the horror of the unknown and the emotional toll of blackmail with this excellent genre debut. There’s a special kind of trepidation that comes upon you when deciding

MOVIE REVIEW: RELIC is a haunting allegory of the gradual loss of self inherent in aging and dementia.

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Director Natalie Erika James explores the weakening bonds of family relationships as one grows old and the ravages of mental illness that can take hold through the lens of body horror in RELIC. One of my greatest fears in life

REVIEW: SCARE PACKAGE is the rare horror anthology film that really works.

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The past decade has seen a spate of low-budget horror anthologies from the ABC’s to V/H/S, SCARE PACKAGE succeeds at delivering a great and unique anthology concept with solid entries from start to finish. By and large, I’ve become less

REVIEW: SWALLOW examines the idea of taking physical control over one’s self to escape the claustrophobic psychological horror of existential dread.

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Writer/director Carlo Mirabella-Davis’ unique feminist horror film examines the psychological damage from being forced to live as a trophy Stepford Wife versus the physical damage of the compulsive disorder used to make that burden palatable. In the past few years,

REVIEW: THE LODGE slyly plays with the idea of victim vs. predator in a film with an intriguing & compelling premise

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Directors Severin Fiala & Veronika Franz (Goodnight Mommy) deliver a unique set-up in a film that is anchored by Riley Keough’s strong lead performance. The past several years have shown contemporary filmgoers a modern renaissance in the horror arena. From